Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tasting - Sutter Home Pink Moscato

Name: Sutter Home Pink Moscato
Variety: Moscato
Region: Napa, California
Country: USA
Year: Not Listed
Price: $8

Winery Review: With luxurious aromas of creamy white peaches and caramel. Of course those sweet scents are not to be outdone by the luscious passion fruit and honeydew melon flavors. A hint of sweet vanilla makes this a perfect partner for a fresh berry tart.

My Review: I definitely picked up on the caramel aroma when sniffing this wine, but instead I got a crisp watermelon and strawberry flavor when sipping. It's a very sweet wine, that I imagine would be better suited for a summer afternoon, especially with it chilled.

I tasted this on my own with no food.

My Wine Experiences

As a senior in college, my drink of choice when I'm going out has never really been wine. I'm normally much happier with a cold beer or a  strong mixed drink. I can't say that I've had much experience with wine, aside from the occasional glass of wine at a family dinner or while visiting my bougie cousin in New York City.

While in New York, we went to Brooklyn Oenology Tasting Room, where she was friends with the bartender. That was probably one of the only times in my life where I enjoyed drinking wine (partially because it was on the house). We drank a sparkling white with crackers, cheese, and the most delicious tomato jam I've ever had. Since my cousin is a new found wino and she forced me to try every possible wine she could get her hands on, I became interested in taking Geography of Wine when I returned to Tech.

From what I've drank, I tend to enjoy a colder, crisp white or blush wine. I also like sparkling wines, as my favorite wine would probably be prosecco. The only times that I've enjoyed a red wine is over a hearty holiday meal. From this class, I hope to learn how to pair wines with a certain meal. I also want to develop my taste buds to discern different flavors, aromas, and undertones in different wines.